Information Area:
You can use this area to add bits of information or links to other sites or for small pictures no wider than 150 pixels.

AllWebCo Templates are built using basic HTML. This makes it easy for you to add new features like Javascript or CGI programs.

Company News...

Fourth Quarter Growth
You can edit every line of text in the Flash animation displayed above with Notepad to customize your website. Every AllWebCo site comes with a comprehensive help page to aid you with the setup. This is a sample website. Click the link at the bottom of the page to visit AllWebCo. Once you purchase a website template, it belongs to you. It can be edited by you, another design firm, or we can update the site for you at any time.

New Inovations
All of our templates can be edited in Frontpage, Dreamweaver, any wysiwyg editor, Notepad or any text editor. This template features "global" editing features. For example, you edit the menu.js text file to change the names on the buttons above and it updates the entire website. You won't have to edit the links on each individual page.

Quality Control
All of our templates can be edited in Frontpage, Dreamweaver, any wysiwyg editor, Notepad or any text editor. This template features "global" editing features. For example, you edit the menu.js text file to change the names on the buttons above and it updates the entire website. You won't have to edit the links on each individual page.

Open House
All of our templates can be edited in Frontpage, Dreamweaver, any wysiwyg editor, Notepad or any text editor. This template features "global" editing features. For example, you edit the menu.js text file to change the names on the buttons above and it updates the entire website. You won't have to edit the links on each individual page.
